
It’s fairly straightforward to keep your lawn lush and thriving in the summer, but how do you make sure to keep up with lawn maintenance when winter blankets your grass with snow, or the crisp air threatens to dry up your leaves?  Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to help make sure that your yard stays healthy during the colder months.

The team at Myer’s Lawn Care Services, providing landscaping, irrigation, and planting services across Sykesville, MD, explains three tips for wintertime lawn maintenance:

  • Minimal Watering: During the colder months, grass usually is kept moist with winter frost or the general dampness in the air from condensation; it doesn’t need extra water. Other types of grass simply become dormant when it gets cold outside and don’t need to be watered. For these reasons, watering your lawn as regularly as you do during the summer isn’t necessary in the fall and winter.
  • Lawn MaintenanceRaking & Debris Removal: Be conscientious about your landscaping efforts for the winter by regularly raking your lawn free of leaves and sweeping any objects, dirt, or debris off your soil; these elements can prevent grass from growing. As snow covers your lawn, walk on it as little as possible since frozen grass can get easily damaged with the added pressure of feet.
  • Fertilizing: Late fall or early winter is an ideal time to fertilize your grass as part of your lawn maintenance for the season. Make sure you fertilize your grass before the first frost and fertilize generously; this can not only help your plants and soil replenish their nutrients after a long summer, but the fertilizer will also stay in the soil to nourish your lawn throughout the winter.

For more on wintertime lawn maintenance, or to hire a trusted company in the Sykesville area for your landscaping or planting needs, contact Myer’s Lawn Care Services at (443) 398-2960 or visit their website. You can also like them on Facebook for more helpful tips and the latest updates.
