
The leaves may be changing, but it’s not time for hibernation just yet! For gardening enthusiasts, there’s still plenty of plant care to do before the snow falls — and Northgate Greenhouses can help. For over 12 years, Kathie and Bob Hogeback have been providing the best gardening solutions to green-thumbed folks throughout the Cincinnati area.

Autumn gardening is all about preparation. Transition your plants into winter and prepare for a fertile spring with these tips from the plant care professionals at Northgate Greenhouses:

3 Important Tasks For Your Autumn Gardening Checklist

1. Lawn Love

A little extra care before the snow falls will have your lawn looking lush in the spring. Winterize your lawn with a high-potassium fertilizer, leaving plenty of time for nutrients to be absorbed before the frost sets in. Don’t forget to take advantage of autumn’s naturally abundant lawn fertilizer, as well — falling leaves. Mowing instead of raking for as long as possible draws nutrient-rich leaf matter into your soil, nourishing the roots of your plants.

2. Spoil Your Soil

gardeningPaying attention to your soil in the fall makes spring planting a breeze. Get yourself ready to plant as soon as possible next season by working leaves or compost into the soil, rowing it, and covering it with mulch. Sowing clover, vetch, or ryegrass now will reveal a green boost of soil nutrients when the snow melts.

Starting a compost pile can also prove beneficial. Lay plastic sheeting under the pile to prevent tree roots from winding their way inside, then collect the fall leaves and any compostable food scraps from your kitchen. Putting some already-stewed compost on top helps get things going, imbuing your pile with the bacteria that transforms fresh leaves into fertile soil.

3. Pre-Winter Plant Care

Gardening aficionados can often get in one last planting before winter starts, harvesting a green and purple rainbow of lettuces, mustard greens, collards, and kale. While you’re waiting for your salad to sprout, take care of your beds, cutting down rhubarb and asparagus ferns and nestling spring bulbs like daffodils and tulips in for the winter. Finally, don’t forget potted plant care. Flush soil, spray water on undersides of leaves, and add fresh mulch to prevent insect stowaways from finding their way into your home after welcoming potted favorites indoors.

For all your plant care needs this fall and all year round, count on the greenhouse Cincinnati’s gardening community trusts: Northgate Greenhouses. Visit their website to learn more about their diverse, quality offerings, or call (513) 729-1134 to talk to a member of their friendly team today.
