
When you look at your home from the street, what do you see? If you have a tidy lawn, blooming flowers, and carefully swept paths, you want them to lead to an equally beautiful entryway. An aging front door can not only mar your home’s curb appeal but lead to higher energy costs and lower its value. When you’re ready to embrace a door replacement project, call Ray St. Clair Roofing of Cincinnati, OH, to get the job done.

Here are four ways a new front door will transform your home for the better:

  • Keeps Out The Cold: If your house feels drafty every time the first winter winds begin to blow, your old door isn’t functioning as it should. Door replacement will put a stop to drafts and add better insulation, keeping your family warm and safe all season long.
  • ohio-door-replacementMore Energy Efficient: Old wooden doors can’t compare to new door construction. Just as window replacement can lower your heating and cooling bills, so too will a new entry door. In some cases, these upgrades may even be tax deductible or subject to rebates.
  • Better Functionality: Does your door stick or creak when you try to open it? Simply put, a new door will function much better—it will glide shut, easily lock, and provide security. 
  • Curb Appeal – Your new front door will improve the curb appeal of your home. Adding enhancements to the exterior of your home can increase the value of your house if you wish to sell it in the future.

Don’t wait for your door’s problems to worsen. Call Ray St. Clair Roofing at (513) 874-1234 to schedule an appointment for door replacement. You can also contact them through their website, where you’ll find helpful information about everything from financing to contractor safety.  
