
Light bulbs have undergone immense changes these past few years. Not since Thomas Edison have there been so many new options for lighting a home. With such a large selection available, you may be confused about which light bulbs are optimal for specific rooms and uses. The team at Lamp Arts in Atlanta, Georgia, are experts not only in custom lighting fixtures and chandelier restoration but in selecting the proper bulbs for each lamp.

New laws passed by Congress now make traditional incandescent bulbs obsolete, meaning light bulbs will never be quite the same again—but fear not! There are several options available to create the perfect ambiance for each location within the home. When selecting a bulb, consider the purpose the light bulb will need to accomplish. Here are some general rules of thumb to simplify the decision.

How To Choose The Ideal Light Bulb

Halogen Incandescent Light Bulbs

Light BulbHalogen incandescent light bulbs provide light that shines in all directions and can work on a dimmer switch. They’re great to use in bathrooms for the most flattering light, and in table and floor lamps. Halogen light bulbs are a very similar alternative to traditional incandescent light bulbs, making the transition easier for people who want to maintain a certain look.

LED Light Bulbs

High-efficiency LED light bulbs have gained immense popularity. They use a fraction of the wattage required to light a traditional incandescent light, making them more cost-effective over the long run. Some tests show that LEDs last tens of thousands of hours, which can translate to decades of use.

LEDs are great for recessed ceiling lights in the kitchen, bedroom, or family room where energy efficiency is essential in high-use areas. They’re also optimum for fixtures in stairwells since they last for a long time. You won’t have to drag out a ladder to change a burnt out light bulb nearly as often with LEDs!

Compact Fluorescent Lights

The swirling appearance of compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) was one of the first on the scene to replace traditional light bulbs, but consumer reaction to them was lukewarm. They should not be used outdoors and have limited use. It’s also worth mentioning that CFLs contain mercury, and while the amounts are small, they still require more careful handling and disposal.

When you work with the custom lighting experts at Lamp Arts, they’ll guide you toward the ideal bulb for your home. The husband-and-wife team provides personalized service and are happy to discuss the newest innovations—or craft a one-of-a-kind custom lamp to specially suit your needs. Visit their website to view a gallery of their work, and call their Atlanta showroom at (404) 352-5211 if you have any questions.
