
Facing a DUI charge is tricky legal terrain. If you plan on fighting the charges or you’re hoping to negotiate a plea bargain, a DUI attorney can provide valuable legal assistance. Gary C. Mitchell, P.C. is a DUI and DWI lawyer who has been serving clients throughout the Ruidoso, New Mexico, area since 1977. Here, he discusses three scenarios in which you should hire a DUI attorney.

Three Instances Where You'd Benefit From A DUI Attorney

1. You're Not Pleading Guilty

If you're planning on pleading guilty to the charges against you, you don't need a DUI/DWI lawyer. But if you refute the charges and want to develop a legal strategy to combat them in court, a DUI attorney is your best bet. Gary C. Mitchell, P.C. will work to ensure your rights are protected and exercised to the full extent of the law.

2. There’s A Chance Of A Plea Bargain

DUI attorneyIn many DUI cases, a plea bargain is the best hope for a lighter penalty. Even if the evidence against you is damning (failed sobriety test, high blood alcohol content), you may still have a chance to negotiate a punishment that is less severe. This is where a DUI attorney comes in. They will bargain and negotiate with opposing counsel on your behalf until an amicable agreement is reached.

3. You Want To Go To Trial

There's no hard and fast rule that you have to have a DUI attorney should you want to go to trial in the hopes of an acquittal. Few legal experts, however, would recommend entering a trial without the guidance of a lawyer. Gary C. Mitchell, P.C. draws on his nearly four decades of experience to give you a voice throughout the legal process, making your goals for your case his goals for your case.

Call Gary C. Mitchell, P.C. at (575) 257-3070 to schedule a consultation with a DUI attorney. You can also visit his firm's website and Google + page to learn more about his services. A DUI/DWI lawyer will offer important legal counsel that supports and gives voice to your side of the story. Let attorney Mitchell help you explore your options, and call today.
