
Generally speaking, soffits are anything attached to the underside of a building. In fact, the word originates from the French for "something fixed underneath." But in the world of home improvement, soffits are usually utilized on the roof overhang for a few key reasons. Superior Products Exteriors is a team of roofing contractors serving clients throughout the Cincinnati, Ohio, area. Here, they’ll discuss three facts about soffits and how they help your home.

Three Facts About Soffits

1. Soffits Protect Your Roof

Soffits blanket the eaves of your home and safeguard the rafters of your roof. They guard the rafters against the damaging effects of the elements and the threat of mold. In a very real sense, soffits protect your roof and all who live beneath it.

2. Soffits Provide Ventilation

soffitAnother crucial function of soffits is the ventilation they provide. Vented soffits enhance air flow into the attic and throughout the rest of the structure. This means less moisture accumulation, better temperature regulation, and a lower risk of developing potentially harmful mold. Superior Products Exteriors has the vented soffits you need to encourage better air flow throughout your home.

3. Soffits Can Boost Energy Efficiency

With their vital roles in ventilation and safeguarding structural integrity, soffits can also boost the energy efficiency of your home. Better air flow means your home will stay cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. The roofing contractors at Superior Products Exteriors carry a full line of soffits designed to make your home more energy efficient.

Call Superior Products Exteriors at (513) 231-1168 to schedule an estimate for new soffits. You can also visit their website or Facebook page to learn more about their services. Protect, ventilate, and "green" your home with new soffits by calling Superior Products Exteriors today.
