
As many people already know by now, Windows Plus is the home of the free triple pane upgrade.  We offer triple pane glass in our Soft-Lite Elements windows because we know that it gives our customers the best windows at an incredible value.  But from time to time, we hear concerns from our customers about triple pane windows, compared to double pane.  So we wanted to dispel common myths about triple pane windows.


Myth #1:  Triple pane windows are too heavy.

Not true!  But triple pane glass has to be installed in a window that’s designed to be a triple pane window.  For example, our Soft-Lite Elements windows have a three-quarter inch balance system, which is 50% larger than the standard half inch balance system.  If the window is built to be a triple pane window, then the sashes will lift just as easily as a double pane window.


Myth #2:  Triple pane windows break down sooner.

Just like in myth #1, this all depends on the quality of the window—it needs to be a window built to handle triple pane.  Our windows not only have a larger and stronger balance system, but with a design pressure (DP) of 70 in our Soft-Lite Elements windows, they are among the strongest windows on the market.


Myth #3:  Triple pane windows are not more energy efficient.

This is not true.  Double pane windows only have one pocket of air between the panes.  Triple pane has two.  This difference becomes especially apparent during the winter—this keeps the cold outside, and the warm air your furnace is generating inside your home.


Myth #4:  Triple pane windows cost too much.

While this may be true for some window companies, Windows Plus offers  all of our customers in Cincinnati, Dayton, and Northern Kentucky a free upgrade to triple pane.  On average, this saves you $100 or more per window!  


If you’re considering new replacement windows for your home, make sure to contact Windows Plus.  We’d be happy to show you the difference our triple pane windows will make.  And our award-winning customer service will make sure you’re happy with your new windows, and your new window company.
