
Fall is an exciting time of year, as students often begin a new athletic season. However, it’s also a time of frequent sprains and fractures as players transition from a leisurely summer to the rigors of competitive sports. Common areas for back-to-school sports injuries include the ankles and the feet. The professionals at Podiatry Associates of Rochester in New York are seasoned experts at caring for youth sports injuries of the foot and know what measures to take to help young athletes make a full recovery.

Here are some of the most common back-to-school foot and ankle injuries that can be treated by an orthopedic podiatrist:

  • Acute Injury: This type of foot injury is caused by sudden traumas such as collisions with fellow players or obstacles on the field. Typical acute injuries sustained by young athletes include contusions, sprains, strains, and fractures. If an acute injury occurs, see an orthopedic podiatrist as soon as possible.

  • orthopedic podiatristOveruse Injury: Not all foot and ankle injuries are caused by a sudden collision, twist, or fall. Overuse injuries develop gradually over time, especially when a sports activity is frequently repeated. Affected parts of the body do not have enough time to heal in between games or activities. These injuries can affect ligaments, muscles, bones, tendons, and growth plates. Baseball players tend to have elbow injuries, while swimmers are likely to develop injuries to the shoulder.

  • Growth Plate Injury: Children are quite prone to this type of injury due to their developing bones. Growth plates are soft areas of growing tissue at the ends of long bones in children and adolescents; they are also the last component of the bones to ossify, or harden. This makes young athletes prone to fracture, which can lead to bone deformity and disruption in bone growth.

The best way to help your young athlete recover from a foot or ankle injury is by seeking treatment from an experienced licensed orthopedic podiatrist. Podiatry Associates of Rochester offers various treatment options to heal the injury and eliminate pain. Schedule an appointment today by calling any of their two Rochester locations at (585) 342-8700 or (585) 426-7320. You may also reach them by filling out a form on their website.
