
For business owners, there are a lot of duties to keep on top of. One issue that businesses simply can’t afford to overlook is the security of their buildings. While there are many effective commercial security technologies out there, one electronic feature that many companies are starting to take advantage of is keypad locks

Larry's Lock, Safe & Security, Cincinnati’s best locksmith, is here with a helpful list of the ways keypad locks can enhance security.

You Can Know Who Is Accessing Your Building

Electronic security through keypad locks in OhioBecause keypad locks enable you to assign a unique code to each individual, you can easily identify who is entering the building. In the event of a security incident, all you have to do is review the door security logs and see which access code was used to enter the building.

You Can Limit Access For Individual People

With a traditional door lock, every person gets the same level of access. However, keypad locks allow you to customize access levels for individual people. For example, a cleaning crew could have codes that only work within a four-hour timeframe after normal business hours. In addition, you can adjust the codes for specific areas in your building so only trusted individuals have access to rooms with sensitive information or equipment.

You Can Easily Change The Codes

The best security feature of keypad locks is you can easily change the code anytime you want. There’s no need to install a brand new lock on the door every time an employee leaves or you’re trying to upgrade commercial security. Instead, simply swap out the access code with a new one.

If you’re ready to enhance your Cincinnati business with electronic security, keypad locks are an excellent way to start. To learn more about cutting-edge commercial security technologies, give Larry's Lock, Safe & Security a call at (513) 791-9163 or visit their website today.
