
Child custody arrangements are the most contentious part of any divorce and have the power to derail even the most amicable proceedings. However, there are a few principles divorcing couples can follow that will help them come up with a successful family plan, according to The Law Office and Mediation Center of Jeannine M. Talbot in Torrington.

When negotiating a family plan, things will be easier on your children if you:

  • child custodyAvoid Negativity: No matter how angry you may be, avoid saying negative things about your ex to your children. This puts them in the position of choosing between you and the other parent, a situation that can lead to long-term psychological trauma and emotional problems. Remember that the other parent likely wants what's best for the children, just as you do.
  • Concentrate On The Children: Some of the most dramatic fights over child custody are actually usually unnecessary and only come about because the parents make it about him or her self. Keep in mind that the goal of the child custody plan is to provide the best possible environment for the children, which means both of you will likely have to make some sacrifices.
  • Be Realistic About Your Schedule: During child custody negotiations, many parents have a tendency to overstate the amount of time they will have available and underestimate the obligations they will have as a single parent. Try to leave your fear and anger out of the negotiations; work together to create a schedule that will be as easy on your children as possible.

Over the years, The Law Office and Mediation Center of Jeannine M. Talbot has built a reputation for helping divorcing couples find mutually agreeable solutions to even the most difficult problems. Visit her website to learn more about her approach to family law, or call (860) 482-9004 to discuss your child custody case today.
