
You may be cranking your air conditioner throughout the summer, but that doesn't mean you're using it to its full potential. With a little extra effort, you'll find plenty of ways to more effectively beat the heat with your air conditioning system. Woodall Heating & Cooling has been helping people in Alabama with AC and heating installation, repair, and more since 1978, and now they want to help you make it through the rest of the season in comfort. 

Don't spend your time indoors sweating from the sweltering heat; follow the tips below: 

  • ac repairRegularly Check Filters: With all the dust and allergens floating about during the summer months, it doesn't take much to wear out your air conditioner's filter. Check it regularly, and replace it when necessary. A clogged filter will end up making your system work overtime just to reach its regular cooling capabilities. You'll save energy and prolong your air conditioner's life. 
  • Program Your Thermostat: If your AC system supports it, a programmable thermostat is a great way to stay cool and regulate temperature appropriately when no one's home.  
  • Make Effective Use Of Windows: The hotter your home is, the harder your air conditioning works, so keep that in mind when the sun is blaring through every open window. Close curtains and blinds during the day, and consider installing low-emission film to window panes to further reduce heat. 
  • Cool Yourself With A Fan: While your air conditioner cools your home, you can use a fan to move the air around and cool yourself. This will allow you to raise the thermostat a bit and save money on energy bills while keeping yourself comfortable.
  • Call In For A Professional Inspection: If your filter seems fine but your AC system still isn't running as effectively as it should, it might be time to call in the pros for a proper inspection. They will get your air conditioner back on track and will ultimately determine whether or not it's time for a replacement.

If you're in need of AC repair, installation, or anything else that will help you survive the rest of the summer, contact the experts at Woodall Heating & Cooling. Head to their website for more information, and give them a call at (334) 347-1243.
