
All pet owners want the best for their animal friends, but striking a balance between freedom and security for your pet can be difficult. You know your pet needs exercise and excitement, but it’s also your responsibility to keep them safe and protect your neighbors’ property and your own. Here, Invisible Fence of Newtown, a provider of pet containment systems in Newtown, Connecticut, will explain some of the factors you may want to consider when weighing how to provide your pet with outside space.

4 Factors To Consider In A Pet Containment System

1. Security

The most important factor, of course, is security. A pet containment system must safely contain your particular pet. While a standard dog fence may do the trick in some situations, if your pet is determined enough to hop or climb a fence, or wily enough to wiggle through a crack in a gate, you’ll need a stronger barrier.

2. Appearance

Pet containment systemA typical dog fence can have a big impact on your home’s appearance, so weigh your options carefully. Perhaps a classic picket fence fits the look of your yard, or maybe rugged chain link helps portray a “keep out” aesthetic. Many pet owners (and some of their neighbors) strongly prefer pet containment systems with no visual impact at all, and of course, the humane Invisible Fence® brand has been a leader and innovator in the field of subtle pet containment since 1973.

3. Price

Installing a physical fence in your yard bears a cost as well, which can vary widely depending on the materials you choose. And don’t forget to factor in upkeep and maintenance, as any pet containment system will likely need some sort of occasional care.

4. Versatility

Two particular advantages of the Invisible Fence® brand are versatility and customization. While stretching a baby gate across the bottom of the stairs can be a crude but effective way of keeping your pet on the ground floor, modern electronic pet containment systems offer solutions for protecting specific areas inside your house with incredible precision.

To find out more about the innovative features in the new Invisible Fence® systems, visit the Invisible Fence of Newtown website. If you feel an electronic pet containment system is the best choice for your Newtown home, call them today at (888) 429-2421 to get an estimate.
