
At some point or another, you’ve probably observed sparks flying from a power outlet when plugging in a cord. Sometimes, a few sparks are normal; other times, they’re a cause for concern. Today, New York’s wiring experts at Riverview Electric will explain everything you need to know.

There are several reasons a power outlet may spark. Here are the most common ones:

  • Short Circuit: When too much heat builds up within a power outlet, it can melt the wiring’s insulation and potentially provoke a fire. If you observe some serious sparks or any burn marks on your outlet, call a certified electrician immediately. The outlet will need to be replaced.
  • Water: If an outlet is exposed to water, it can quickly lead to sparks and short-circuiting. To prevent this, ask your electrician about installing a special device called a ground fault circuit interrupter. This device will detect any signs of water, provoking the outlet to shut down rather than start a fire.
  • Power OutletOutdated Outlets: With heavy use and age, an outlet’s wires will begin to wear out, increasing the risk of a short circuit and fire accident. Similarly, old and worn appliance cords can lead to sparking and other serious issues. If your power outlets are on the older side, have an electrician evaluate and potentially replace them with newer, more effective, and safer models.
  • Faulty Repairs: If you’ve ever taken a power outlet repair into your own hands or let an unqualified person do the job, you may have done more damage than anything else. Electrical repairs demand precision and expertise, and any wrong moves can escalate to sparks and fires.
  • Normal Outlets: Sometimes, a small spark boils down to everyday static electricity. If you observe a brief spark upon plugging in an appliance, it’s likely due to the normal transference of power.

To protect the safety of your home and family, choose an electrical contractor you can trust. To schedule an appointment, contact a friendly, knowledgeable representative today at (914) 760-0774. For more information, visit Riverview Electric’s website
