
Poor attic ventilation—or the lack of it entirely—can contribute to the fast deterioration of the roof of a house. The buildup of heat and moisture on hot days can lead to the growth of mildew and mold on the roof decking, causing it to sag or become spongy. One way of preventing this is by getting solar fans for your attic. These fans, which are installed on the roof, provide proper ventilation to the attic.

If you are interested in having one installed in your Honolulu home, Kaneohe-based My Roofing Co. is the perfect company for the job. For more than 35 years, this roofing company has provided professional assistance in roof repair, roof coating, and re-roofing services to their valued clients.

Here are just a few of the benefits of having solar fans installed on your roof:

  • Helps Reduce Attic Temperatures: A single solar fan is capable of reducing heat that accumulates in your attic. As a result, your home feels more comfortable while the load placed on the HVAC system is minimized.
  • solar fansProlongs Roof Lifespan: By eliminating the excessive moisture in your attic caused by everyday activities like cooking, showering, and laundry, you’ll prevent wood deterioration to your roof, and thus, extend its lifespan.
  • Reduces Cooling Costs: Overworking your home’s cooling system can leave you with a high energy bill. Your solar fan lowers your energy use by pulling hot air out of your home, replacing it with cooler air. Depending on the size of the solar fan, you could reduce the temperature in the attic by up to 50 degrees.
  • Functions With No Operational Costs: One of the most notable qualities of a solar fan is that it can provide all the above-mentioned benefits without any extra operational costs. Because it works through solar power, you won’t have to pay monthly bills for it to work.

Solar fans are, indeed, a valuable addition to your home, and the professionals at My Roofing Co. can help you install one today. They provide dependable and high-quality work that will consistently meet or exceed your expectations. For more information about their services, call them at (808) 352-7272 or send a message on their website.
