
Your kidneys are essential organs responsible for filtering urine, waste, and excess fluid for toxins. Kidney stones affect thousands of people every year, and kidney failure actually inhibits the ability to stabilize electrolyte levels, produce hormones, make red blood cells, and prevent waste from building up in the body. Your kidneys have an important job to do, and keeping them healthy will help keep all other bodily functions running smoothly.

Medical Center Urology in High Point, NC, specializes in kidney care, and they want to share some bad habits that affect the health of your kidneys:

  • Not Staying Hydrated: When you’re dehydrated, waste materials begin to build up and toxins escape into the blood stream before the kidneys have a chance to filter them out. It’s important to drink plenty of water in order to prevent the buildup of toxins that could end up causing severe damage to other organs of the body.
  • kidney stonesConsuming A Lot Of Salt:  While sodium is an important part of every diet, too much salt consumption can cause a number of health problems. Salt raises blood pressure, and that puts extra strain on your kidneys. There’s a thin line between consuming a proper amount of sodium and overdoing it, and unfortunately, many people don’t realize when they’ve crossed that line.
  • Not Urinating Frequently Enough: You’re on a long car ride, and instead of pulling over for a bathroom break, you decide to hold it. Or you’re at work or in the middle of a phone call and there isn’t a bathroom nearby. Everyone does it, but holding your urine on a regular basis increases bladder pressure and may even lead to kidney failure and kidney stones.

Medical Center Urology has been a leading provider of urology services for both men and women for the past quarter of a century. To learn more about caring for your kidneys and preventing kidney stones, schedule an appointment with one of their respected doctors. Call (336) 882-0220 or visit their website for more information.
