
Plenty of people can temporarily drop weight by following a strict diet or by calorie counting, but long-term weight loss often proves more difficult. In fact, around 65% of dieters will return to their pre-diet weights within three years of dieting, and many will see their weights climb even higher. Luckily, there are ways to increase your odds of permanent weight loss.

The fitness team from Cheetahfit Training and Massage Center in Boulder, CO, is dedicated to helping their clients reach their target weights and live a healthy lifestyle at every age, and they have some advice that you can use to turn your life around.  

How To Maintain Your Weight Loss

Focus On Quality Of Life 

One of the best ways to make your weight loss permanent is to focus on your quality of life. If working out and eating well is always associated with negativity about your body or a number on a scale, you’ll probably get frustrated and want to quit. Focus on your successes and your increased quality of life! 

Eat Well 

Most people can’t maintain extreme diets or daily calorie counting long-term, and relying on fat-free products; processed diet foods isn’t a good way to maintain a healthy weight. Instead, the sports training professionals from Cheetahfit Training and Massage Center recommend cooking most meals at home and enjoying a wide variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. 

Have An Accountability Partner

Weight LossPeople are much more likely to stick to diet and workout plan when someone is there to keep them accountable. Whether you choose one-on-one personal training, group workouts, or the buddy system, you’re better off if you don’t go it alone. 

Create Non-Weight Related Fitness Goals

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to lose weight, but if weight loss is your only goal, you may experience boredom and workout fatigue. Set fun fitness goals that take the focus off your size and redirect it to learning something new. From participating in a triathlon to learning to tap dance, there are lots of ways to add diversity and fun to your fitness routine. 

Be Patient

Patience is a key part of any type of athletic training, and weight loss is no different. Too many people give up on their weight loss journey because they don’t see immediate results or because they feel like it’s too hard. Think of your weight loss experience as an opportunity to develop more patience and learn to take things one day at a time. 

If you want to explore permanent weight loss through personal training and comprehensive workout programs, call Cheetahfit Training and Massage Center at (303) 475-4578 or visit them online now. 
