
Dental issues from tooth loss or decay are very common, so there will always be smiles in need of a little help. As part of a dedicated cosmetic and family dentistry practice, the team at Four Corners Dental Group recommends dental crowns or bridges as two of the most common solutions to these issues. Unless you’re a dentist or dental professional yourself, you may be unaware of the difference between these two approaches to treatment.

As part of their mission to educate their patients in Anchorage and Wasilla, AK, the family dentistry professionals highlight what distinguishes crowns from bridges:

Dental Crowns 

dentistCrowns are incredibly strong caps placed over badly damaged or broken teeth and are normally used for those with severe cavities. They are an application, which solves the problem without the need for removing the tooth entirely or performing surgery. Crowns are a tougher long-term solution, and because the shape and color of crowns are individually customized, you’ll see your smile fully restored.


If you’re missing a tooth or two, your dentist may recommend the installation of a bridge. This application essentially uses surrounding teeth to fill in the gap in a natural looking way, and after the installation, the smile is fully restored. Bridges can play an important role in maintaining dental health because when a tooth goes missing, other teeth are liable to move out of place.

These applications have been effective in providing necessary restorations, and there’s no doubt the team at Four Corners Dental Group is ready to provide the one you need.

To learn more about dental crowns, bridges or other cosmetic dentistry work provided by the professionals at Four Corners Dental Group, visit them online. Keep up with the latest from this dedicated family dentistry team on Facebook, or to schedule an appointment, call (907) 258-3384 for Anchorage or (907) 376-2790 for the Wasilla location.     
