
Most homes have generators (machines that convert mechanical energy into electricity) as an excellent backup source of power, in the case of an electrical outage or other emergencies. Generators are great to have, either as your standby or as your main source of energy, depending on where you live and what type of house and electrical system you have. Patnode Electric in Willington, CT, is a perfect place to go for anyone looking to find generator installation services.

Once you have a generator, however, it’s extremely crucial to maintain it. Why are routine generator check-ups important? Here are three of the main reasons:

  • generatorKeeps Heat & Light In Your Home: A generator’s primary duty is to supply your home with electrical energy. This means your heat and lighting depend on it. If you don’t regularly check on your generator, something could go wrong without you ever knowing. One day, seemingly out of the blue, your power could stop working, and you could find yourself in a dark, cold house. This is especially troubling if it’s winter or you live with small children who especially need heat at all times.
  • generatorThey Last Longer: Just like a car, if you make sure you routinely clean and check the engine and parts, the machine will run longer. The same rule is applicable with a generator. If you keep an eye on it and resolve any small issues as soon as you catch them, you can avoid the entire machine breaking down.
  • It Works More Efficiently: Also similar to a car, a generator runs better if it’s maintained adequately and often. And this is one aspect of your home that you need to be running as best as it can. If you live with an elderly or sick person, for example, who is attached to an oxygen machine that relies on electricity, you cannot risk having a generator that does not work properly.

If you need a generator installed, or a backup and standby generator installed, Patnode Electric can handle this for you. They are the best electrical contractors in the area, providing you with all the electrical services you need. 

If you have any questions about generators or generator maintenance, call (860) 429-3574 or send them an email. To learn more about Patnode Electric, the services they offer, or generators, visit them online.
