
Are you putting off packing for your move because you don’t know where to start? According to the experienced professionals at Big John Movers, it’s best to tackle it bit by bit, room by room, and celebrate your progress along the way.

Cincinnati’s trusted local movers share some of their wisdom from decades in the business:

  • Cincinnati-movers-packingPack Smart: That means having a strategy, rather than just throwing things in a box. For example, large boxes should never be filled with heavy items like books or shoes; they would be impossible to lift! Save large boxes for light items like pillows and blankets, and use small, sturdy boxes for your heaviest belongings.
  • Tape Generously: Everyone knows you must tape across the top and bottom seams of a box to hold it closed, but taping along the perimeter to protect the corners is a smart way to keep boxes in optimal shape throughout the moving process.
  • Label Carefully: It takes only a moment and a marker to ensure you’re expertly organized when it’s time to unpack. Pack only items from the same room in each box, and list the item type and room on top when you’re done. If you’re up for extra credit, movers recommend numbering your boxes and keeping a master list in a notebook, divided by room.
  • Start Early: Perhaps the most important tip of all, this one ensures you have enough time to follow each of the previous steps with care and consideration. Plus, you’ll save your sanity along the way!

Big John Movers is a Cincinnati standby for residential, commercial, and same-day moving services. To learn more and request a free quote, call the movers at (513) 244-5646. You also can contact them on their website, where you can read more about the services and discounts they offer.
