
After installing replacement windows, you will literally have a crisper, clearer view of the world around you. There are a few things you can do after installation to help keep that view its sharpest. The window contractors of Superior Products Exteriors provide exceptional replacement windows and unparalleled customer service to clients throughout the Cincinnati, Ohio, area.

Hereimage they share four things to do after installing replacement windows.

  • Check For Functionality: After your windows are in and they've had time to set, you'll want to ensure they are in proper working order. Make certain they open and close with ease and all locks are operational. If screens have been installed, double-check they are securely locked in.
  • A Good Cleaning: Once your new windows are in place, give them a thorough cleaning. Standard window glass cleaner does the job just fine. Use a clean towel and a squeegee to wipe the surface clean; for less streaking, you can also wipe the surface with newspaper pages.
  • Consider New Window Treatments: Your replacement windows deserve the royal treatment. Think about purchasing window treatments that best enhance your new view. You'd be amazed at how something as simple as new curtains can transform the look of an entire room.
  • Think About New Siding: New windows will boost the curb appeal of your home. You may also want to consider sprucing up your siding as well, creating a whole new exterior. Superior Products Exteriors' team of siding contractors will install the ideal siding that best meets the needs of your budget and your style.

Call Superior Products Exteriors at (513) 231-1168 to schedule an estimate for window replacement. You can also visit their website to learn more about their services. New windows will breathe new life into your home; take care of them so you can reap their benefits for years to come.
