
The team at Jupiter Beauty Academy in Boston, MA, is always happy to welcome new faces. Students who enroll in the beauty school to pursue a cosmetology license are taking a big step toward becoming professional cosmetologists. As with any new endeavor, it’s important to plan ahead and decide which precise route will be best for you, since there are a few different options when it comes to beauty school.

To help you plan in advance for your journey toward earning a cosmetology license, the professional crew from Jupiter Beauty Academy has compiled a list of helpful tips:

  • Consider A Specialization: While the Cosmetology 1000 course will prepare students for multiple fields, including skincare, nail techniques, and hair services, you can also opt for a specialization. For instance, there is a course option specifically for aesthetics, in which you’ll learn beautification processes like facials and cosmetics, and take a nail technology course.

cosmetology license Boston MA

  • Choose Your School: Once you’ve determined whether or not you’ll pursue a specialty, seek out a beauty school that offers the cosmetology courses of your choice. Jupiter Beauty Academy offers each of the three options described above to best serve prospective cosmetologists of all specialties.
  • Learn About Licensure: Next, familiarize yourself with the licensure that will be required for your desired career path. The coursework and experience provided through Jupiter Beauty Academy’s courses are designed to provide you with the education and skills you’ll need to achieve your cosmetology license. That way, you can begin putting your knowledge to work and start earning money as soon as possible!

To learn more about how Jupiter Beauty Academy prepares you for obtaining your cosmetology license, speak with one of their helpful faculty members by calling (617) 288-1811. You can also visit their website for additional information about their programs and services.
