
Knowing a little about the components of your septic system will help you safeguard your septic tank, as well as enable you to realize when something is malfunctioning. A key part of your system is the leach field (also called a drain field). As septic experts, the professionals at Tri County Systems in Rochester, NY, have been helping customers with their septic systems for years, as well as educating them about the equipment. Below they explain the leach field and its role in the waste removal process.


What Is A Leach Field, & How Does It Affect Your Septic Tank?


What Are The Components Of A Leach Field?

A leach field is a network of pipes, nested within soil and other sediment, that connects to your septic tank. It diverts liquid to prevent strain and clogs in your system. 

What Is A Leach Field’s Role Within The Septic System? 

After solid waste settles at the bottom of your septic tank, the liquid element leaves the tank and flows through the pipes into the soil, where the liquid, known as effluent, is treated with bacteria. This chemical process makes it safe for the waste to integrate with the environment. 

How Can I Protect My Leach Field? 

Rochester-NY-septic-tankThe biggest risk to a leach field happens when it is forced to absorb too much liquid at once. Leach fields are designed for homes or businesses with a specific amount of people, and they can become overburdened by volumes of liquid higher than they are supposed to handle. With that in mind, it’s important to divert rainwater away from the leach field. Also, make sure never to drive a vehicle over the area, as you can damage the pipes. 

What Irregularities Should I Watch For?

Liquid pooling above your drain field means the system is overloaded. Make sure to call Tri County Systems so their experts can restore your system. 

If you’re having trouble with your leach field, or want to have one installed, don’t hesitate to contact Tri County Systems. You can schedule an appointment by calling (585) 467-2550. You also can send a message on the company’s website, where you can view a list of their septic system services
