
In addition to relieving stress and promoting relaxation, massage therapy can treat a variety of conditions, and it’s one of the most popular types of alternative medicine in this country. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, nearly 9% of adults use massage therapy as a form of complementary treatment for arthritis and other ailments. If you have joint pain or sore muscles from arthritis and want to benefit from massage therapy, turn to MassageLuXe in Edwardsville, IL.

Here are three benefits of regular massage therapy:

  • It Can Treat Arthritis: Arthritis is essentially inflammation of the joints, and it’s characterized by joint pain, swelling, and stiffness. There are several different kinds of arthritis, but they all reduce an individual’s range of motion and mobility. According to a study originally published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, subjects who had rheumatoid arthritis in their upper limbs experienced less pain, better mobility, and a stronger grip strength after undergoing one month of regular massage therapy.
  • It Can Prevent Arthritis massage therapy& Sports Injuries: In addition to treating symptoms of arthritis, research has also indicated that massage therapy may be able to prevent the condition as well. Through direct pressure on the connective tissue and muscles, massage therapy increases mobility and even slows down the degradation of tendons and ligaments over time, which contributes to arthritis if it’s left unchecked.
  • It Can Improve Your Mood: In addition to the physical benefits of massage therapy, there are also psychological effects too. It can improve your mood, alleviate depression, relieve anxiety, and promote a general sense of well-being.

If you’re suffering from symptoms of arthritis or want to prevent them from developing at all, regular massage therapy from MassageLuXe in Edwardsville, IL, will help. Visit the experts online to learn more about the services they offer, and call (618) 307-0093 to make an appointment today.
