
Uterine fibroids are usually benign growths, but sometimes, they can cause pelvic pain, abnormal uterine bleeding, and general discomfort. At the Women’s Wellness Center of New York, the team’s main service includes surgery to shrink or remove uterine fibroids. However, they can also point you towards non-surgical options.

Here are three of their suggestions for alternative treatment methods for uterine fibroids:

  • Nutritional Therapy: Changing your eating habits can be a great way to regulate your estrogen levels, as an unbalanced diet can cause estrogen to increase and the body to have difficulty in breaking it down. Focus on cutting back on saturated fats, alcoholic beverages, excessive sugar, and dairy products. Instead, incorporate more greens and whole grain vegetables into your diet, as increasing your fiber intake can decrease estrogen production and stymie the growth of uterine fibroids.
  • uterine fibroidsHerbal Therapy: Essential oils and herbs can be used in a variety of ways as alternative forms of therapy for uterine fibroids. Try herbal baths containing a few drops of primrose oil, which can help with the pelvic pain, and drink tea made with dandelion, milk thistle, or Mexican yams. Other effective herbs are licorice root and Siberian ginseng.
  • Acupuncture & Massage Therapy: Reducing stress is seen as one of the primary ways to shrink uterine fibroids naturally. Massages with essential oils can help greatly with pelvic pain, as can relaxation exercises like yoga or Tai Chi. Acupuncture can also target points that exacerbate pelvic pain and has been shown to relieve other symptoms like abnormal uterine bleeding.

Even though uterine fibroids aren’t necessarily dangerous, it is important to consult with a doctor before you begin any form of alternative treatment. Dr. Tara Shirazian at the Women’s Wellness Center of New York can help you work through your options to decide what might be the best treatment for you. Call the center at (646) 754-3300 or visit their website to learn more about their services.
