
Those lucky enough to live on the islands of Hawaii enjoy many great benefits, such as year-round summer temperatures, fresh tropical fruit, and beautiful beaches. But with this island environment come several hazards to your car’s paint that aren’t necessarily as prevalent in other locations. The auto paint repair experts at C & H Body And Fender in Honolulu want you to be aware of the perils to your car’s exterior.

Here, they’ll identify three common causes of car paint damage:

  • Salt: Living near the shore, there are higher amounts of salt in the air than there would be in other locations. This makes it more likely your car will be exposed to salt water spray on a daily basis. When combined with the heat from the sun, this can spell disaster for your car’s paint job. The absorption of salt not only causes paint to fade and stain, it can also corrode and rust vital vehicle components, requiring repairs at an auto body shop.
  • auto paint repairBird Droppings: Bird droppings are another common cause of paint damage, and Hawaii’s large bird population can spell trouble for your vehicle’s paint job. The longer bird droppings remain on your car’s surface, the more they will dull or etch the paintwork. Try to clean bird droppings from your vehicle as quickly as possible to avoid the need for auto paint repairs.
  • Tree Sap: Tree sap is a lesser-known peril to vehicle paint jobs, but it is also one of the most difficult to deal with. Sap is tough to remove, and if it’s left on your car during a hot day, it will essentially bake into the paint, creating large areas of deterioration and becoming impossible to remove without extensive auto paint repairs.

With a well-trained and reliable staff, C & H Body And Fender has established itself as one of Hawaii’s best body and paint shops. To learn more about their auto paint repair services, visit them online or call (808) 841-3618.
