
Whether you choose to use mulch, gravel, decorative rock, or sand, changing your topsoil at the perfect time is the key to keeping your landscape looking rich and vibrant. And with the professionals at River Bottom Topsoil in Troy, MO, right around the corner, getting mulch delivery to your doorstep has never been quicker or easier.

After you’ve cleaned out the garden beds in the spring, it’s time to layer on more mulch to help your greenery thrive, right? Not so fast. While topsoil is imperative to a healthy landscape, simply adding more topsoil annually can suffocate plant roots. Instead of a pastoral landscape, you’ll be left with a sorry wasteland. Not only is too much topsoil harmful to your plants, it’s unattractive when piled up.

topsoilInstead, shoot for the topsoil sweet spot. Annually, remove as much topsoil as you can and then add approximately 1 inch of fresh topsoil so the end result is about 2-3 inches deep. This perfect amount of topsoil will suffocate weeds without killing your garden.

Do keep in mind the type of topsoil you choose will slightly affect how often you should change it. For instance, if you choose to use organic topsoil materials like wood chips, you will have to add more of the materials more often because they’ll get swept away by the wind quicker than other kinds of topsoil.

Whichever type of soil you choose, top your landscape with high-quality soil only. The professionals at River Bottom Topsoil know exactly where to find the best topsoil and will deliver it right to your door. Whether you want decorative rock, bulk mulch, or sand, this company has been at work for over 20 years providing only superior-quality products and services.

For free estimates or to order your soil directly to your Troy, MO, home, call River Bottom Topsoil today at (636) 462-5331 or visit their website for a complete list of their services.
