
Once you’ve decided to hire a forensic testing company like US Compliance Consortium, you’ll benefit the most from their services by learning how to collect evidence. By targeting the best sources and using sound collection methods, the Phoenix-based lab will be able to conduct more accurate tests, whether your concern is workplace compliance or DNA identification.

Here is what you should expect to do after you’ve acquired forensic testing services:

  • Identify Sources: In addition to more obvious sources for DNA lab testing, such as hair, fingernails, and bodily fluids, you can also use fingerprints (such as on door knobs or tools), shoes and clothing, cigarette butts, dirty laundry, eyeglasses, and pieces of paper as evidence. Anything out of place may be valuable information.

  • forensic testingDon’t Cross Contaminate: Your forensic testing agent will advise you on the specifics, but generally, you should avoid touching anything that could be evidence. If you need to move something, wear non-powdered rubber gloves and try not to let the evidence touch anything else.

  • Use Security Protocols: Document everyone who enters and exits your property, including the time of day. If you’re using forensic testing to investigate drug or alcohol abuse in your business, you should also be alert to any unusual changes in appearance or behavior. This information could support your more tangible evidence.

  • Take Photographs & Video: Sometimes, a photograph will tell an expert a lot more than other types of evidence. Drug testing on its own, for instance, does not tell the complete story about someone’s drug use. No matter what you’re trying to determine, photographic evidence helps set the scene for the forensic testing professionals.

Forensic testing results completed by US Compliance Consortium are admissible in court. To inquire about their services, you can reach them in Phoenix 24/7 at (602) 765-2200. You can also visit their website for more information.
