
A herniated disc sounds like a serious problem, and for many people, it implies severe back pain and surgical treatment. However, there are a lot of misconceptions about what having a herniated disc actually means. At Milford, OH’s American Health Chiropractic, the team of doctors providing comprehensive chiropractic care offer a more thorough explanation of what a herniated disc means.

Your spine is made up of numerous individual bones called vertebrae, which are separated by rubbery cushions known as discs. When the tougher, exterior portion of the disk gets ruptured and the softer, inner portion pokes through the opening, the condition is known as a herniated disk.


Most herniated discs are due to the natural effects of aging; discs lose their water content over time and become more susceptible to cracking. At other times, a herniated disc can be the result of work injuries where lifting heavy objects cause the disc to rupture. An auto accident or another type of traumatic physical event can also cause a herniated disc.


Herniated DiscWhile some herniated discs may cause pain, many times, people can have a herniated disc without even realizing it. In the latter case, x-rays can be the only way to tell that there is a problem. When there is pain, however, it depends on where the herniated disc is located.

One in the lower back may cause sciatica or nerve pain in your leg. A herniated disc in the neck will lead to pain in your arm and shoulder. Other symptoms include tingling feelings because of the nerves being pinched by the disc or weakness because of those compromised muscles.


For most people who have a herniated disc, non-invasive treatment methods are usually successful. Mild pain can be alleviated by over the counter medications, while more severe pain can be treated with prescribed narcotics, nerve pain medications, or muscle relaxers.

If there is considerable swelling, cortisone injections might be administered to reduce inflammation. Physical therapy is another treatment route, with exercises specific for neck or back pain. As a last resort, surgery is required to remove the herniated portion of the disc.

If you need more information on what a herniated disc is and how it is diagnosed, visit a chiropractor at the American Health Chiropractic office where a consultation, two x-rays, and first treatment is all free. Call them at (513) 576-6699 or visit their website to schedule an appointment. You can also like them on Facebook for the latest news and updates.
