
Asbestos is a mineral fiber that was once used in a variety of commercial materials to protect against corrosion and heat. Asbestos exposure occurs when the material is disturbed and its tiny, abrasive fibers are inhaled. Understanding the risks of asbestos exposure and knowing how to look for it are key when renovating an older home. The experienced team at Astech is committed to keeping Bridgeport, CT, homes and office buildings free of this hazardous material and continually strives to educate the community about the dangers asbestos presents.

Let’s review what the asbestos removal experts want you to know about the mineral fiber in regards to older homes:

  • When It Was Used: Asbestos was frequently used in home construction from the 1930s through the 1970s. It often served as thermal insulation on basement pipes and boilers in homes built before 1975. The use of asbestos in patching compounds and textured paint was banned in 1977.

  • asbestos testingWhere It’s Found: The dangerous mineral fiber was unfortunately used in many products. These include vinyl and linoleum floor tiles, window glazing and caulking, roofing and siding materials, plaster, fiber cement siding, HVAC duct installation, paint, and electrical panel partitions.

  • Why It’s Hazardous: High levels of asbestos exposure dramatically increase the risk of asbestosis when the lungs are scarred. It also seriously increases the risk of lung cancer, particularly mesothelioma. This often fatal type of cancer affects the abdominal cavity and lining of the chest.

Asbestos cannot become airborne when left alone; however, damage and disintegration over time present serious risks when renovating an old house. If the home or apartment you’re remodeling was built in the 1970s or before, contact the talented team at Astech. They’ll provide asbestos testing that lets you know how much of the mineral fiber is present before performing comprehensive removal and containment services. Learn more about asbestos testing and removal, or obtain your free estimate by contacting Astech today. Call (203) 335-0502, or visit the website.
