
There are a lot of hotels out there, and often, it’s difficult to find the best deals. However, whether you’re just traveling through or plan to spend some leisure time in New Columbia, PA, the Quality Inn offers some of the most affordable hotel rates in the area.

If you’re looking for an affordable hotel with first-rate services, here are a few tips on how to find the best hotel deals in town:

  • Call First: Quite often, those looking for inexpensive hotels start by browsing for them online. This is a great way to find some good deals, but it doesn’t mean you have to stop there when you’ve located one you like. Try calling them and ask if they offer any discounts on their hotel rooms or are willing to match the price you’ve found online.
  • Hotel DealsHunt For Coupons: When you’re on the road, a great way to reap hotel deals and discounts is to peruse coupon books, which can be found at a lot of rest stops. Additionally, there are many sites online where you can find coupons that feature great deals on high-quality hotel rooms, like the ones at Quality Inn.
  • Ask About Rewards: Many hotels, Quality Inn included, offer reward programs which you may be eligible for. Credit cards typically provide travel or reward points that can be used for discounts at participating locations, so be sure to inquire about this before booking your hotel room.

For more tips on how to find the best hotel deals, contact the friendly, customer service representatives from Quality Inn today at (570) 568-8000, or visit their website for a closer look at their rates. You can also like them on Facebook for more great deals and helpful tips.
