
Have you recently been told you need a root canal? Don’t panic: This common dental procedure provides much-needed relief from debilitating tooth pain. It allows you to save your tooth and your smile and is one of the many services available through Bridgeview Dental Group. The Kodiak, AK, dentistry practice combines advanced technology with a friendly, expert team to provide superior dental care for the entire family.

Review the basics of root canal therapy so you can walk into your appointment informed and ready:

  • Root Canal Definition: A root canal is defined as a treatment that saves a badly infected or decayed tooth. The procedure removes the tooth’s pulp and nerve before cleaning and sealing the tooth canal. This prevents the surrounding tissue from becoming infected and causing the tooth to abscess. An abscess is a pus-filled pocket on the end of a tooth root.

  • root canalRemoving Nerve Tissue: The removal of the tooth pulp, or nerve tissue, that takes place during a root canal is very important when the pulp is damaged. Bacteria will easily multiply and fester in the pulp chamber if they’re left unchecked, resulting in the aforementioned abscess. 

  • Infected Tooth Risk: Health risks from an infected tooth that does not receive a root canal treatment include bone loss around the tooth root tip and swelling of the face, neck, or head. Drainage problems, such as drainage into the gums, can occur as well.

  • Root Canal Benefits: In addition to sidestepping the above health issues, a root canal protects your other teeth from infection. You’ll also be able to chew normally and your face shape will be maintained.

Root canals are believed to be very painful, but they’re actually comparable to a regular tooth filling procedure. In fact, failing to have a root canal procedure is what causes the pain, as the infected tooth will only continue to worsen. Allow the compassionate team at Bridgeview Dental Group to provide the comprehensive root canal procedure you require to enjoy life free from tooth pain. 

Schedule your root canal or learn more about the dental care services available through Bridgeview Dental Group by calling (907) 486-3257 or by visiting their website today.
