
Legally dissolving your marriage means resolving a wide variety of issues, especially when you children are involved. If you and your spouse are able to come to reach an agreement on child support, custody, and visitation issues, you can file an uncontested divorce. With the help of the legal document preparation experts at We The People of NY, you may be able to represent yourself, sparing the expense of an attorney while giving yourself the peace of mind that comes from professional guidance.

If you and your spouse have children, you'll need to prepare and submit a variety of forms to the court describing the agreements you have reached. After deciding that the provisions you've agreed upon are fair, the judge will issue a court order making the terms of your agreement legally enforceable. Once settled, these orders are very difficult to alter, which is why it's so important to ensure that the forms you submit to the court accurately describe what you and your spouse have agreed to in negotiations.

legal document preparation expertsOf course, the process is much simpler if your marriage did not result in any children. Instead of child custody and support worksheets and orders, you may be able to simply file a settlement agreement and a divorce petition. If neither of you are seeking spousal support or alimony, then the process can be even more streamlined, with a fewer number of documents required to dissolve your marriage.

If you're seeking an uncontested divorce, with or without kids, the legal document preparation professionals at We The People of NY will help you select and prepare the proper forms, ensure they're accurately completed, and even walk you through the process of submitting them to the court. To learn more about these respected local legal document preparation experts, visit their website or call (212) 633-2200, or just visit their storefront at 233 West 14th S today, no appointment necessary.
