
Located in Mililani, The Pet Hale is Hawaii's top pet store. Whether you're looking to add a new furry friend to your family or are on the lookout for something more exotic, The Pet Hale has an amazing, healthy, and well-loved assortment of pets. One of their most interesting pets is the Jackson's chameleon.

Before you add this resplendent reptile to your home, you'll want to take note of some pet care advice specific to the species. 

  • pet storeSet Up Proper Housing: When you bring your chameleon home, you'll want to make sure they have a screen cage with plenty of space. A Ficus Benjamina tree comes recommended for the interior, but any suitable nontoxic plants will work well along with a mix of sticks and vines they can climb on. Remember to clean the cage regularly, including removing the chameleon and thoroughly disinfecting its cage on a monthly basis. 
  • Carefully Control Lighting & Temperature: Space isn't the only measure of a chameleon's comfort. You'll also need to regulate lighting and temperature, and try to expose them to natural sunlight when possible. UVB is important to provide them with during daylight hours and is required in order for them to metabolize their food.. 
  • Provide A Varied Diet: While Jackson's chameleons are insectivores, that doesn't mean they just want to stick to the same type of food every meal. They love everything from live crickets to butter worms, leaning toward insects that are loaded with nutrition. Keep the insects small and limited to about five to seven per feeding, and head to a pet store like The Pet Hale to pick up some of their favorites. It's also very important to keep your chameleon properly hydrated, especially before feeding. 

Jackson's chameleons make for amazing, rewarding pets, and all you need to do is get one from a pet store you know you can trust. The Pet Hale is the perfect source, offering something for pet owners of all types. Visit them online for more information on everything from birds to pet supplies, and give them a call at (808) 696-1083.
