
If you've been involved in a car accident, you know all too well the stresses and concerns that come in the aftermath of a crash. Fortunately, Gig Harbor, WA, personal injury attorney John A. Rorem is on your side. For nearly 50 years, Attorney Rorem has been helping clients like you get the compensation you need to recover from your injuries.

Here he discusses the top three reasons to consult with a personal injury attorney in the wake of a car accident:

  • Exercise Your Legal Rights: If you are not at fault for the accident you were involved in, you have a legal right to pursue damages. As with any legal area, accident and injury law is complex, and only a skilled legal advisor can help you utilize it to its full extent. If the other party or parties involved in the accident have already hired lawyers of their own, this is further proof that you should hire a personal injury attorney; you want to be legally protected at all costs.
  • personal injury attorneyTiming Is Crucial: There is a statute of limitations on accident and injury cases, and the sooner you get your case started, the stronger your chances of winning compensation. While the details of the accident are still fresh in your mind—and in the minds of other parties involved and any witnesses to the accident—you can give compelling testimony to support your claim. Personal injury attorney John A. Rorem will work with you to build a solid case that targets your specific goals.
  • Insurance Companies Aren't Always Reliable: If there is the possibility that you may be sued by someone else involved in the accident, you might be relying on your insurance company to protect you. This could potentially be a major misstep. Many insurers are only looking out for themselves and their interests, and they may be ready to pin some or all of the blame on you as a way of skirting their own responsibility. Let John A. Rorem be your trusted legal advisor and voice when your insurance company may not.

Call John A. Rorem at (253) 858-5358 to schedule a consultation with a personal injury attorney today. You can also visit his law firm online to learn more about his other practice areas. You have rights that need to be protected; Attorney Rorem will give you that protection.
