
Western Hills School of Beauty & Hair Design and Tri-County Beauty College help aspiring cosmetologists achieve their dreams of becoming licensed professionals. Often, the school’s faculty encounters questions from individuals who are considering cosmetology school but want to learn more. To help you determine whether beauty school is right for you, the staff have put together some FAQs and responses.

Here are five FAQs for the aspiring cosmetology school student:

  • What Should I Look For In A Cosmetology School? Look for a school that offers programs matching your cosmetology goals. For instance, if you want to be a nail technician, search for a school that offers a nail tech program.
  • Which Programs Do These Local Cosmetology Schools Offer? Western Hills School of Beauty & Hair Design and Tri-County Beauty College offer a general cosmetology program, as well as managing cosmetology, esthetician, and nail technician programs. There is also a combined managing esthetician and nail technician program.

cosmetology school

  • How Will Attending Cosmetology School Help Me Find A Job? The programs at these two beauty schools provide students with the skills, experience, and knowledge they need to pass state exams and receive their licensure. They also provide lifetime job placement opportunities.
  • Why Are Western Hills School of Beauty & Hair Design and Tri-County Beauty College Different From Other Schools? Both cosmetology schools have an outstanding track record of success with their students. Thousands have graduated from their programs, and they have high passing rates for state exams.
  • What Are Some Reasons To Consider Cosmetology Programs? Cosmetology is a rapidly growing field, and prospects are good for job seekers. Plus, the programs can be completed faster than a typical degree, meaning you’ll be able to start working and making money faster. Moreover, many cosmetologists enter the field because they enjoy the creative aspect of this line of work.

To learn more about these Cincinnati cosmetology schools, call (513) 574-3818 to speak with a staff member from Western Hills School of Beauty & Hair Design, or (513) 671-8340 for Tri-County Beauty College. You can also visit the schools’ website for more information.
