
Knowing the causes of gingivitis and how to stave off this form of gum disease is essential to good oral health. Anchorage Dental Center is dedicated to providing families in Alaska with top-quality dental care. This family dentist’s commitment to the community isn’t just about providing dental services, but also about informing you and your loved ones regarding good oral health.

What exactly is gingivitis? This mild form of gum disease is marked by an infection of the tissues around your teeth. The good news is that gingivitis affects only the soft gum tissues, so it can be reversed with appropriate treatment. Left untreated, however, gingivitis can progress and result in more serious periodontal diseases, which can impact not only the soft gum tissue but also the tissues and bones that support your teeth.

dentistMillions of people suffer from gingivitis, which can occur even if you’ve been taking good care of your teeth. It’s caused by a buildup of plaque on the teeth—more specifically, the toxins that result from this plaque buildup. These toxins irritate the gums, taking them from their healthy pink color to a red, inflamed state.

Good oral care is key to preventing gingivitis. Brushing and flossing your teeth regularly (ideally after every meal) is essential. It’s also a good idea to cut out cigarettes or chewing tobacco, both of which can contribute to plaque buildup. Be aware of your family history, and if there is a track record of gum disease, be sure to inform your dentist. Finally, go to the dental clinic twice per year so that your dentist can monitor for any signs of gingivitis and catch the disease before it becomes severe.

If you’re in search of a family dentist to help keep you and your loved ones in good oral health, consider Anchorage Dental Center. This dental clinic provides a variety of services for patients of all ages, in a caring and professional environment. Visit their website or call (907) 278-2521 to make an appointment. 

