
Much like learning to walk and talk, infants begin to see gradually, and they are not born with all the vision capabilities adults have. Infant eye care is an important part of ensuring proper development, and Whitefish Eye Center in Montana is a proud InfantSEE provider.

InfantSEE is a no-cost public health program that strives to provide infant eye care nationwide. Doctors recommend that parents take their children in for an InfantSEE assessment when they are between six and 12 months old. By that age, an optometrist will be able to determine if the infant is at risk for any potential vision disorders.

Many vision problems arise from conditions that are possible to identify in a baby’s first year, making the InfantSEE assessment an important part of a wellness evaluation. According to the official InfantSEE website, 10% of all children are at risk for undiagnosed vision problems.

infant eye careEarly diagnosis is important when it comes to preventing minor vision issues from turning into major ones. If an eye doctor determines an infant has a vision problem, early intervention and correction may be able to treat it and even reverse it entirely. Early treatment is also more cost effective when it comes to vision issues.

Though many preschools conduct eye checkups for their students, most children are nearly five years old by the time they enroll, which means they might have been suffering from an undiagnosed vision problem for years. School screenings also tend to be less comprehensive than office visits, and a worsening problem may go unnoticed.

If you want to take advantage of the InfantSEE program and protect your child’s eye health, turn to Whitefish Eye Center. Visit their website to learn more about the vision care they provide to both children and adults, and call them at (406) 862-2020 to schedule an appointment to discuss infant eye care today.
