
As a homeowner, it’s important to pay attention to how much of an impact your windows have on your home’s energy efficiency. Old and damaged windows could be costing you quite a bit of money and diminishing the value of your property. That’s why it’s essential to invest in window replacements when the time comes. Windows Plus is the leading window company in Cincinnati, providing residents with expert window installations and products. They are the area’s most trusted and knowledgeable source when it comes to windows.

Here, they’ll help you figure out when you need new windows. Just watch for the following clues:

  • Difficulty Opening & Closing The Window: Windows should open and close smoothly. If you’re finding this simple task has become increasingly difficult, it could mean something isn’t lining up correctly with the tracks and the frame.
  • Condensation: When you begin to observe condensation forming on the inside of the window or in between the glass panes, that indicates window replacements are in order. Windows that are properly sealed won’t allow moisture to make its way in. 
  • window replacementsUnpleasant Temperatures Indoors: If your home starts to feel uncomfortably cold or warm even with the heat or air conditioning on, it’s likely because the windows aren’t doing their job of keeping the outside air from coming in. This can easily be confirmed by placing your hand near the window to feel for air passing through.
  • High Energy Bills: Though your energy bills will fluctuate depending on the amount of heat or air conditioning you use, you should still be able to tell when they seem unreasonably high. If they’ve gone up recently, your inefficient windows could be the culprit.

If you’ve noticed any of these signs, it’s a good idea to start thinking about window replacements. Contact Windows Plus at (513) 272-2222, or visit their Dayton or Cincinnati website for a comprehensive list of their services. 
