
If you've been experiencing pain in your heel, you should schedule an appointment with a foot doctor as soon as possible. Although some types of heel pain can be alleviated with at-home treatments, Louise E. Tortora, DPM in Fairfield, CT, invites you into her office to receive the proper diagnosis and treatment for your condition.

foot doctorAccording to Louise E. Tortora, DPM, there are two main causes for heel pain: plantar fasciitis and achilles tendinitis. The first, plantar fasciitis, occurs when you have pain on the bottom of your foor and it is the most common cause of heel pain. Usually, people who experience a stabbing pain in the early morning when first waking up have plantar fasciitis. After receiving a diagnosis from a foot doctor, it can be treated through physical therapy, wearing night splints, or wearing orthotics, like arch supports. For more severe cases, it may be necessary for a foot doctor to administer steroid shots or conduct surgery.

The second major cause of heel pain is achilles tendinitis, which occurs at the back of the heel. This type of pain is usually the result of an overuse injury, where the tissues that connect the calf muscles to your heel bone become inflamed. Common forms of treatment for achilles tendinitis include physical therapy exercises that allow the tissues to stretch and heal. In more severe cases, it may be necessary to schedule surgery with a foot doctor.

To find out the cause of your heel pain once and for all, make an appointment with the foot doctor Louise E. Tortora, DPM by calling (203) 254-0093. Visit her website to learn more about her practice.
