
Your home office should be a sacred space for productivity, creativity, and getting things done. If the reality is closer to a war zone, it’s time to think about some smart room organization to get your office back on track. Get Organized, Rochester’s trusted professional organizer, shares some pro tips to help you wrangle your workspace to support your work style.

Here are three room organization tips to help you transform your home office:

  • home storageSpring Clean Your Space: Any effective room organization should begin with a thorough cleanup. Before you do anything else, set aside some time to go through your office and toss everything you don’t need. Start with out-of-date documents, pens with no ink, and stacks of paper that could easily be scanned and stored on your computer rather than on your desk. 
  • Prioritize What’s Left: After you’ve done a purge of the space, decide which items you use most frequently. Anything you reach for daily or weekly deserves prime real estate in your office; the rest can get neatly filed away on a high shelf or in a filing system.
  • Make The Most Of Your Space: Not everyone has the luxury of a large home office. If all you have is a small room or a corner nook, make the most of it with space-maximizing tricks. Look for multi-purpose furniture like a chest that doubles as a file cabinet, and use the walls for hanging storage and shelving.

If you want to learn more about how room organization can improve your productivity and everyday life, call Get Organized of Rochester to schedule your one-hour consultation, absolutely free. Call (585) 223-3646, or visit the company’s website to learn more.
