
Massage therapy has long been a proven tool to aid in relaxation, ease pain, and help heal and restore the body. For this reason, massage has particularly been a trusted tool to treat the physical toll taken on athletes, both professional and amateur. At Cheetahfit Training and Massage Center in Boulder, Colorado, their expert massage therapists provide the specialized care and support athletes of all types need to heal and perform at their best.

The positive effects of massage extend beyond revitalization and restoration. Here are just a few benefits of massage for athletes in particular:

  • Physical Effects: Massage is known to diminish pain and help prevent and treat injuries. It also helps improve mobility and function in the body. For this reason, many athletes experience boosted performance ability result of massage therapy.
  • Physiological Effects: The results don’t stop there. Massage is known to affect the cardiovascular system, improving blood flow circulation and aiding in the flushing of toxins. The relaxing qualities of massage can also slow heart rates to healthy levels. Cardiovascular health is vital to the performance of an athlete, and regular massages will help keep this in check.
  • imagePsychological Effects: Athleticism is more than physical endurance; it’s mental endurance. This physical and mental relationship also translates into the massage therapy practice, which can reduce stress and increase concentration and focus. By increasing dopamine and serotonin levels and reducing stress-inducing cortisol, massages help athletes mentally prepare for the big game.

The highly qualified massage therapists at Cheetahfit Training and Massage Center implement a range of techniques to help you be your strongest, best self. They also offer top-rated personal training services, corrective exercises, and a range of other programs that lend a holistic path to wellness. 

For the best in massage therapy and personal training in Boulder, look no further than Cheetahfit Training and Massage Center. To schedule an appointment, call a friendly staff member today at (303) 475-4578, and visit their website for more information. 
