
Glasses can do more than just improve your vision. They can also help you cultivate your image and complement your lifestyle choices. The team at Allens Creek Family Optometry of Rochester, NY, suggests considering your personality, line of work, and activities when deciding on a pair of glasses. By doing so, you’ll find glasses are more than a utility—they are a way of showing the world who you are.

To help you along, here are several lifestyles and different types of glasses that complement them:

  • glassesArtistic: Many creative types make use of bold colors and large frames. Laminates with prints, patterns, and multiple colors are also popular choices.
  • Corporate: In the business world, classic designs like ovals and rectangles are the preferred look. Choose more conservative frame colors like black or brown to match your suits.
  • Active: Plastic and metal combinations paired with bright colors and/or stripes give a sporty appeal. Consider wraparound glasses or contact lenses if you will be moving around a lot.
  • Senior: For senior men after a more modern look, burgundies and gun metals look great. Lighter colors work well on women. Upsweep and cat-eye shapes lend a lifting effect to facial features. 

This is merely a sampling of different lifestyles and the types of glasses that work well with them. For more advice on selecting the right pair of eyeglasses for you, contact Allens Creek Family Optometry of Rochester, NY. In addition to a wide range of glasses, they can also prescribe contact lenses. Visit them online to learn more about their services or call (585) 461-6225 to schedule an eye examination.
