
School is finally out, and it’s that time of the year that most parents dread — teaching their teenagers how to drive. Driving is risky for young, new drivers, not only because they lack experience, but also because their eagerness for this newfound freedom can get in the way of their better judgment. Fortunately, a good driving school can take off take off that pressure from you. Parents from Northern Kentucky entrust their teens’ driving education to Sure-Drive Driver's Training because of their comprehensive driving courses and professional instructors.

But if you wish to teach them the basics before signing them up for driving school, here are a few tips to help them become responsible drivers:

  • Set A Good Example: Since fear is often a factor when driving for the first time, it is important for your young driver to gain confidence behind the wheel. To accomplish this, parents should set a good example by staying calm and focused — even as they witness their child make mistakes during the learning process. Do not eat, drink, or use your cell phone while driving; you teen may try to emulate the same behavior.     
  • driving schoolFind A Safe Practice Spot: To avoid any distractions during the initial stages of your teenager’s driving education, pick a practice spot that is not frequented by people and other cars. Quiet residential streets and wide, empty parking lots are ideal places to practice driving. As your teen learns to be more confident in their skills, gradually shift to busier locations.
  • Practice in Diverse Conditions: No amount of practice in a vacant area can prepare your teenager for real-world driving situations. In order to help he or she develop good reflexes and presence of mind while driving, practice with them at different times of the day, in different road and weather conditions, and unfamiliar parts of the city or town.

To give your teen as much driving knowledge and experience as possible, consider signing them up for driving lessons at a reputable driving school like Sure-Drive Driver's Training. Call them at (859) 331-0007 or visit their website to see a list of their driving courses.
