
Everyone knows a beautiful smile can light up a room. But did you know what a healthy smile might reveal about the rest of your health? At Oahu Dental Care in Pearl City and Honolulu, Hawaii, the family dentist and his trusted staff provide the vital care patients need for beautiful, healthy teeth that will last a lifetime.

You already know you should brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss daily, and visit the dentist for regular checkups. If you don’t follow these simple steps, you risk tooth decay, cavities, tooth extraction, bad breath, or even gum disease. But your oral health is far more important than that—researchers are uncovering new details that explain a connection between a healthy body and a healthy mouth. That means if you don’t take care of your teeth and gums, it may actually take a toll on your overall health.

DentistFailing to brush and floss properly can quickly lead to tartar buildup, bleeding, and inflammation. If untreated, this can lead to the first stage of gum disease, called gingivitis, and eventually periodontal disease. Studies show periodontal disease is associated with heart disease, unhealthy pregnancy, Alzheimer’s, erectile dysfunction, pneumonia, and more. On the other hand, people with good oral health usually have a lower risk for these conditions and better overall health.

So, it’s safe to say that taking good care of your teeth and body will serve you well over the years. Take responsibility for your overall health with regular dentist visits and good oral hygiene habits. At Oahu’s best family dentistry practice, their knowledgeable staff provides patients with the tools and tips they need to live happy and well.

To achieve the bright smile and optimal health you’ve been looking for, call the friendly Oahu Dental Care staff in Pearl City at (808) 456-5005 today. To schedule a cleaning with the dentist in Honolulu, call (808) 732-2821. For more information about their services, including teeth whitening, tooth extraction, and more, visit their website.
