
Have a pet bird? Other than specializing in puppies, guinea pigs, turtles, and bunnies, The Pet Hale also specializes in birds. Since birds are less common pets to have, people often do not have much experience in taking care of them. Here, the Hawaiian pet shop outlines four things you should know when taking care of your pet bird to ensure they stay happy and healthy.

  1. Stay clean: The perch and cage should be cleaned of droppings and discarded food everyday. The food and water bowl should also be cleaned everyday to prevent the build up of harmful bacteria. Once a month the cage should undergo a deep cleaning with a bird-friendly, odorless cleaning solution.
  2. Provide your bird with out-of-cage time: Birds are happier when they have time to roam. Bird-proof your house so you can let your bird out of their cage. Make sure wires and cords are covered, the stove is off, the toilet seat is down, and that you keep your bird away from other pets. Remember to never leave your bird un-attended!
  3. Feed your bird good food: Birds should be on a diet of high quality, species specific pellet and fruits, vegetables, and grains. Your bird should not be fed a lot of seed, which is can sometimes be fattening and not as nutritious.
  4. Grooming: Provide a bowl of water so that your bird can bathe itself. You should trim your bird’s nails frequently.  Provide your bird with things to chew on like soft white pine, tree branches, and natural fiber rope, so their beak stays trim.

You should also take your bird to the vet to get regular check ups or whenever they show signs of illness. The Pet Hale would be happy to help you take care of your pet bird, and their experts would love to share their expertise with you. Have a look at their website or call (808) 696-1083 for more information!
