
You might think that getting a divorce is a relatively simple process, especially if you don't have children or a lot of marital assets to divide up. However, the reality can be much more complex, with many steps to take even after your divorce papers are signed. We The People of NY, legal document preparation specialists with expertise in a wide variety of fields, explain a few of the things you may need to take care of.

After your judgment of divorcee is signed by the judge, remember to:

  • Review The Judgment: Make sure you thoroughly understand any orders the judge may have included  Take note of any orders that have to be completed by a certain date, and check for any mistakes that could impact your life once everything is settled.
  • divorceComply With The Orders: If the judge has ordered you or your spouse to do anything to finalize the divorce, start making arrangements to complete them. This could be anything from setting up child support payments to giving them the marital assets described in the judgment.
  • Change Your Documents: This is often one of the most time-consuming aspects of getting divorced. If you have chosen to revert back to using your maiden name, make sure you've changed your bank account, driver's license, Social Security, passport and other important documents to reflect that. You may also want to revisit your Will and name new beneficiaries for your life insurance policy.

The first step to a smooth divorce is having your divorce papers prepared by an experienced professional. Call We The People of NY at (212) 633-2200 with any questions about how they can help you prepare your legal documents, visit their website to a full list of their services, or drop by their storefront; no appointment is necessary.
