
If you are convicted on a DUI charge, it can affect your career and personal life for years. DUI attorney Ray T. Kennington Atty At Law in Ozark, AL, wants you to know what to do if you are pulled over for a DWI or DUI. He and his firm are experienced in representing clients at all stages of driving under the influence cases.

Here, Attorney Kennington will discuss three things you should and should not do if a law enforcement official stops you:

  • Pull Over: As soon as you realize you are being pulled over, move to a safe place on the side of the road. Have your driver’s license and registration available, roll your window down, and wait for the officer to approach your vehicle.
  • DUI-attorney-Ozark-ALAdmit Nothing: When you speak to the officer, do not admit to anything. Whatever you say can be used as evidence against you, so the less said, the better. If the officer asks whether you have been drinking, you can respond politely that you don’t have anything to say. You can also ask why the officer is asking.
  • Know Which Tests Are Required: Police officers are permitted to ask you to step out of your vehicle. They’ll want you to perform field sobriety evaluations, such as touching the tip of your nose or walking in a straight line, but you are not required to do them. The evaluations will only give the police more evidence against you. However, you may be asked to submit to a chemical test of your blood, breath, or urine. Refusal can mean a license suspension.

When you work with experience DUI attorney Ray T. Kennington, you’ll receive vigorous legal representation. He's been serving the needs of Ozark residents for more than three decades and will give you his undivided attention throughout the entire legal process. 

Don’t try to handle a DUI or DWI charge alone. Contact Ozark’s expert DWI attorney, Ray T. Kennington Atty At Law, by calling (334) 445-1200 or by visiting his website.
