
Just like any other living thing, plants can get sick and die, too. It's not uncommon to lose a hardwood due to anthracnose or root decay, two common types of tree diseases; however, if you fail to detect the problem early enough, then every tree on your property could catch the disease and die. In order to protect your trees from damage and promote proper development, the arborists at TrimCo Tree Experts in Dothan, AL, recommend inspecting your yard for diseased trees at least twice a year.

If you're not sure what to look for, here are some early warning signs that you've got diseased trees on your property:

  • Missing Leaves & Bark: A healthy tree should have limbs full of leaves and a trunk covered in bark. When your tree starts to shed its bark in a certain area or the leaves start to fall way before autumn, contact TrimCo Tree Experts for an inspection.

  • diseased treesRotting & Decaying Wood: While it may be difficult to diagnose a diseased tree, there's one thing for certain: If any portion of your tree shows signs of rot or decay, you need to call a certified arborist. Once they detect the problem, they'll either remove the tree or recommend another solution.

  • Dead Limbs & Branches: Head outside and look up into your trees. If you notice any dead limbs or branches sticking out from an otherwise healthy trunk, then you could have a diseased tree on your hands.

  • Holes & Cracks In The Trunk: Sometimes, skin problems in humans can be a symptom of a deeper issue. This is also the case with the outer layer of a tree. A healthy tree should have healthy-looking bark and leaves, and if it doesn't, then it's most likely diseased or dying.

To have your diseased trees diagnosed and cured or for tree removal services, contact TrimCo Tree Experts by calling (334) 791-2087 today. Visit them online for a complete list of their services.
