
Spring season in Cincinnati is prime time for fleas and ticks. Your pets will be spending more time outdoors and risk contracting these harmful pests. As your local Ohio vet clinic, Covedale Pet Hospital wants you to know how instrumental flea and tick prevention is in a proper pet care regimen.

Proper pet care is about more than just feeding them and giving them attention. You have to take preventative measures as well to protect your pet's health. These experienced veterinarians have compiled a list of three major reasons why you need to start adding flea and tick prevention to your regular pet care routine:

pet care

  • Protect Pet Health: Fleas and ticks are responsible for skin infections, Lyme disease, worms, and more. Protect your pet’s overall health with preventative measures.
  • Protect Your Health: If your pet has picked up these bugs, you can also contract them. Both fleas and ticks are easily transferred to humans and pose health risks similar to those they create for cats and dogs.
  • Save On Health Costs: Treating your pet for worms or Lyme disease is much more expensive than flea or tick preventative. Avoid the cost of treatments for more serious illnesses by taking early precautions.

Skipping out on flea and tick prevention as part of your pet care activities could put both you and your animal at significant risk and wind up costing you much more to treat. Pay Covedale Pet Hospital a visit online to learn about their surgical and therapy laser treatments. Give this Cincinnati pet clinic a call at (513) 251-4666 to schedule an appointment with a veterinarian.
