
If you’re like most homeowners, you probably don’t put much thought into the state of your dishwasher until something is seriously wrong. The problem here, though, is that by the time this appliance has stopped working, the damage has been growing for some time, making the cost of fixing it much higher. You may find yourself in need of a new unit. This is why, according to the appliance repair service technicians at Monroe, NY’s Honest & Fair Appliance Repair, you should know the signs that your dishwasher needs a tune up and inspection.

So what should you look out for when it comes to your dishwasher? Let’s take a look:

  • appliance repairGrimy Dishes: A tell-tale sign that a dishwasher is in trouble is that it’s simply not performing the way it’s supposed to. If you’re finding that dishes are still dirty or greasy after a wash, you may have a problem. While poorly stacked dishes could be the reason, something much more serious might be happening.
  • Wet Floor: Another issue that arises when dishwashers are malfunctioning is that you’ll see a wet floor around the unit. This leaking could be the result of cracks in the seal around the door or loose connections between pipes.
  • Drain Strain: If there’s still an excess of dirty dishwater in the unit after you’ve done a load, you likely have a problem with the system’s drainage. Check out the drain, strainers and filters to make sure they aren’t blocked up; sometimes, simply cleaning these parts out solves the problem.
  • Loud Sounds: While some sounds are normal during the operation of the dishwasher—the pumping and draining of water or the rattling of the dishes themselves—excessive and loud sounds could indicate a problem. For example, pump or valve problems often lead to humming or thumping sounds.

If you’re seeing any or all of these issues with your system or problems with any of your appliances, call the folks at Honest & Fair Appliance Repair as soon as possible; the team here offers the best appliance repair work in the area while keeping prices fair. To find out more about these dedicated professionals, check them out online, or call (845) 782-0460. 
